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8 Made in Germany HEXER PIPSDUAL POWER Thickness: 1,7 / 1,9 / 2,1 112274 red / black € 43,95 HEXERPIPSFORCE|FORCEstandssynonymicallyforenergyandstrength.Pro- viding a high bandwidth for offensive action your opponents will be forced to play just an underpart in the game. The medium sponge, based on the latest HEXER technology, gets across a maximum of control, whereas the typical HEXER PIPS ball jump will lead you to success. The protected 0/90-technology allows you to choose HEXER PIPS FORCE according to your playing system. Lengthwise for more speed and vigour, crosswise for more control when blocking. For those seeing their own many-sidedness as the key to success! HEXER PIPS FORCE Thickness: 1,7/1,9/2,1 112273 red / black € 43,95 HEXER PIPS + | HEXER PIPS+ is a fourth generation TENSOR rubber pro- viding a very comfortable feeling when you smash and hit which is caused by the soft sponge made of 100% natural rubber and the narrow pimples. Sta- ble feedback for passive strokes with huge power reserves. The very special feature of HEXER PIPS+ is the option to choose between a lengthwise and a crosswise pimple geometry (ECLECTIC PERFORMANCE). Focus on: gentle control or non-stop aggressiveness! HEXER PIPS+ Thickness: 1,7 / 1,9 / 2,1 112272 red / black € 43,95 HEXER PIPS | HEXER rubbers have been well received by many players all over the world. This is why we bundled all the positive “HEXER character- istics” to put it into HEXER PIPS! The first pimple-out rubber by andro® that bases on a fourth generation TENSOR sponge. The rubber mixture of 100% natural rubber serves HEXER PIPS with a high durability and long lasting stability, while the soft sponge keeps speed and control on an ex- quisite level. Moreover HEXER PIPS is a highlight on the pimple-out rubber segment as it combines two different geometries in one rubber! We call it ECLECTIC PERFORMANCE, as the user can choose between a lengthwise and a crosswise geometry. HEXER PIPS SLOW FAST SPEED LEVEL SOF T MED H A RD DENSITYSHORT PIMPLES SLOW FAST SPEED LEVEL SOF T MED H A RD DENSITYSHORT PIMPLES SLOW FAST SPEED LEVELSPEED LEVEL SOF T MED H A RD DENSITY E SHORT PIMPLES

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